“With steadfast support from all our partners, donors and volunteers, Bethesda Care Services continues to serve the community in yet another challenging year. True to our values, we are not content with just providing short term help, but empowering families and individuals develop resilience to thrive in spite of adverse times.
Spurred by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our services took on a hybrid model of engagement in the previous year. Despite the evolving landscape of the pandemic, we were well positioned to not just continue our support of the vulnerable in the community via existing services but also to tailor new initiatives to combat issues that were exacerbated by the pandemic.
We invite you to find out more about our new initiatives, collaborations, impact figures and stories in this Annual Report. We also hope that you would continue to join us as we enable the vulnerable in our community to thrive.”
Chairman, Bethesda Care Services
Our Mission
To enhance the well-being of families and individuals by delivering quality and professional social services
Our Aims
Supports the unity and nurturing functions of families
Instils values through the provision of relevant and integrated social services
Empowers families and individuals with skills to meet life’s challenges
Strives to enhance service effectiveness through staff development
Impact Figures
Financial Summary
BCS receives 33.1% of its annual funding from government grants and relies more on its own program fees and donations received to meet the rest of its financial needs. In FY2021/2022, BCS received income totalling $3,575,222
*Other Income refers to funding from supplementary government subsidies to defray organisation employment cost (e.g. MOM-Special Employment Credit), assistance programs targeted at specific groups of individuals (e.g. Elderly COPE - SECDC Reimbursement) as well as other miscellaneous sources of income (e.g. interest earned from Fixed Deposit).
Services at a Glance
We continue to serve the increasing needs of frail seniors in the eastern region of Singapore. Through our daily Meals-on Wheels (MOW), Medical Escort & Transport (MET) services and various projects, we ensure that they are not just well supported with meals, medical escort but also friendship that brings joy and help them thrive
Our in-house kitchen reopened in September 2021 to provide nutritious and delicious food suitable for our seniors. We also launched our new initiative Exercise Buddy in the same month.
Through the #AllIWantForChristmas 2021 fundraising campaign and collaborations with The Social Co. as well as Boys Brigade, we were able to fulfil the Christmas wishes of many of our seniors. It was extremely rewarding to see the wide smiles on the seniors’ faces when they receive the items.
Active Ageing Program
The very challenges brought about by the pandemic, also brought us opportunities to be creative in how we engage the students. Despite the rapid changes and uncertainty of the year, we managed to engage more than 900 students. Through the numerous small group sessions that we had with the youths, we were able to provide focused support for their emotional wellbeing. Deeper relationships were forged.
This year, we were able to not just help the youths to thrive, but also had the privilege of extending our care and support to their families as well. We had the privilege of working with Mainly I Love Kids (MILK) to extend the scholarship to students in ITE College East. Through the Student Leadership Training Program, Credit Suisse mentoring, Youth For Causes Project 2021 and other programs, we were encouraged to witness growth and transformation in the youths
We continue to serve the community, especially those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We help families and individuals with financial as well as emotional needs. This year, there was significant increase in counselling cases with emotional issues.
In light of Singapore’s growing mental health concerns, we initiated life skill program Mighty Minds and also conducted more small group social activities to build mental resilience in children and youth.
YouthSpace has adjusted its operations to cope with the Covid-19 endemic season, maintaining its online engagement while progressively increasing its on-site activities and programs. For example, Weekly Drop-In Timings have shifted to Daily Drop-In Timings to introduce more flexibility in engaging youths while maintaining safe Covid-19 measures.
Some of the key highlights for the year include the Airforce 1 shoe customization workshop with Footlocker as well as Breaking Space dance mentorship.
Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, our team in SCC adapted to the frequent changes in safety measures and managed to conduct meaningful activities for the students while providing support to the families we serve. Many engagements were carried out virtually by volunteers, with the on-site support of the SCC staff. In late 2021, with the emergence of the Omicron variant, the team did their very best to ensure the health and wellbeing of the students despite the ever-rising number of cases in our nation
Calendar of Events
10 volunteers from Elevate the Streets (ETS) ran a dance workshop for the students in Springfield Secondary School. It was an intensive half a day session where students learnt life skills intentionally integrated in dance education. We received positive feedback from the teachers in the school.
“My colleagues were very impressed and pleased with the student engagement. Some of the students claimed they couldn't do those moves initially, but I witnessed them picking it up on their first or second attempt.
I think that these are the moments we educators live for and I'm glad to see it happening in all the groups. UpRock has definitely set a high bar for the remaining programs we plan to carry out.
Jenson, Educational Support Staff
Springfield Secondary School
Four driven and passionate students joined us for this year’s Youth for Causes project. Team Youthlings chose to raise funds in support of excITE’s efforts in reaching out and helping students and families who were negatively affected by the pandemic.
We don't just want to give them a superficial band aid. We want to lift them up and restore them to the fullness of life. We don't just want to give them the fish, but the ability to fish. We want to empower them so they can fulfil their dreams. We don't just want them to survive in life. We want them to #THRIVE.
#Thrive aims to empower disadvantaged individuals and families to overcome their situations through practical help, counselling and preventive intervention to find self sustaining solutions to live fulfilled lives. Bring deep and lasting impact to these families. Watch THRIVE videos here.
Mental and Physical Fitness for Seniors | As part of our efforts to engage seniors better and keep them from falling into inactivity or isolation during the pandemic, our staff and volunteers went for the HAPPY program training organized by AIC. The principles behind HAPPY program were applied to the new Mind Workout Program which was conducted on-site and later on, via Zoom, when the pandemic constraints kicked in.
Fighting Frailty. The Exercise Buddy project is currently anchored by 3 BCS staff who have been trained by Coach Alvin from Empower Ageing to facilitate these home exercises. Our staff visit the seniors every week. Launched in September 2021, there were 22 seniors involved in this program for the FY.
“I feel my legs are stronger and I can walk a longer distance without stopping.
Aunty Lee Kim Lian, 66 years old
Participant in our Exercise Buddy initiative
The #AllIWantForChristmas (AIWFC) campaign is about making Christmas others-centred and not me or we-centred. For AIWFC 2021, we highlighted the practical household needs of the low-income families and the homebound seniors. Watch AIWFC2021 stories here.
The funds raised provided 80 school-going children with popular vouchers, 45 families with a hamper each, and 16 seniors with their wish items. A portion of the fundraising also goes towards supplying seniors in-need with medical consumables as well as a general assistance to needy fund which will be used throughout the year.
Our annual BCS Bursary Award Ceremony was successfully held on 19 November 2021. A total of $121,150 was awarded to 319 students, comprising a mix of primary, secondary and ITE college students. We were honoured to have Mr Tan Kiat How, Minister of State, Member of Parliament of East Coast GRC, grace our virtual award ceremony. Representatives from Phillips 66 International Trading Pte Ltd, Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC) and Mitra Famosa International joined us as well. Indeed, we are thankful for their steadfast support and contributions to this year’s bursaries.
This year we had our second run of Breaking Space. The dance mentoring program consisted of 11 mentoring sessions over a period of 4 months. The 11 mentors and mentees met up weekly in small groups of 3-4pax. Venue was supported by SportCares while YouthSpace met up with the mentors and supported them with trainings on holding space, facilitating closure and journeying with the youths. We are grateful to the volunteers from Elevate the Streets for their commitment and sharing our passion in reaching out to touch the lives of youths.
“I've learnt to slow down and just have a good time listening. This translates to my other relationships as well. It’s a very valuable take away that I’ve received in return.
Wesley Ng
Volunteer Dance Mentor from ETS
This new workshop was designed to build up the mental resilience of students in view of the many stressors which they face nowadays. Mighty Minds was conducted in December for 23 Sunshine Club students by 2 social workers from the Family Services. It consisted of 4 on-site sessions.
Topics included identifying one’s uniqueness, developing a growth mind set, practising positive self-talk, self-regulation exercises and more. The lessons were kept engaging through videos, experiential exercises and various activities.
A refresher session was also conducted on March 16, 2022. Students obtained a list of Mighty Mind challenges and were rewarded according to their achievements.
In September 2021, Mainly I Love Kids (MILK) signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Bethesda Care Services and ITE College East, in a tripartite effort to help deserving students who face financial challenges succeed in school.
With such an objective in mind, the MILK-ITE scholarship was birthed. Two tranches of $500 would be given to students who meet the criteria of being active and helpful in class, showing resilience and determination despite their extenuating circumstances.
The first batch of students were selected based on recommendations from their class advisors and screened through an interview. 45 scholars were eventually selected to receive the inaugural scholarship, and we are regularly following up with them to provide support to help them achieve success, both in character development and in academic pursuits.
As safety measures relaxed, we were pleased to finally meet some of our partners in person again and enjoy this hybrid event together.
Parcels were delivered to Zoom participants beforehand so that all can enjoy the origami and postcard writing activity together. A photo montage of the past two years was screened as well as the parcel delivery process cum words of encouragements to one another.
We were exceptionally delighted and honored to have Mr Tan Kiat How, Minister of State, MP East Coast GRC and Ms Cheryl Chan, Member of Parliament, East Coast GRC join us that night.
Our deepest appreciation to all our donors and partners for reaching out and touching lives together with us. Together We Can.
Corporate Parnerships
We were honoured to partner Credit Suisse once again and have excITE, our youth centre based in ITE College East, conduct this annual mentoring workshop series. The volunteer mentors from Credit Suisse imparted their life skills and tips centred on the theme – GRIT
The program consisted of four online workshop sessions which allowed students from all three ITE colleges to join us.
“We are delighted to work in partnership with Bethesda Care Services and ITE to run the Credit Suisse excITE Mentoring program for the last seven years. This has been an extremely rewarding program for us, as the key theme of resilience is something that has benefited not just the students but also enriched our mentors as well.”
In celebration of Mother’s Day 2021, Humming Flowers & Gifts gave 200 Bird’s Nest Gift Packs to our clients who are mothers. Many of our beneficiaries have never received such gifts before and were touched by the blessing. A big thank you to Humming for donating $20,000 to Bethesda Care Services as well. Your generous support goes a long way into helping the children, youths, families and the elderly in need that we assist within the community.
Last November, The Social Co. also embarked on a Christmas gifting campaign in collaboration with Bethesda Care Services, as well as other charity partners like Jamiyah, RSVP and Dementia Singapore.
They showcased the wish items of 3 of our seniors. These wishes were adopted by changemakers Wilin Low, Yvon Bock and Nat Ho. The seniors were delighted with the gifts that they received. The cost of the wish items, a television, a mobile phone and a refrigerator for the seniors came up to a total of $1129.
This year marks a new partnership with Mitra Famosa International (MFI). Mr Wellington Foo, Managing Director of Mitra Famosa approached us with an interest to help the less privileged in our community
On top of contributing to this year’s Bursary Awards, the company sponsored and helped distribute 200 care packs to the nearby rental blocks. We are deeply appreciative of the support shown by Mitra Famosa staff and family members who came to help out at the distribution.
This FY, we continue to work together with the Changi General Hospital (CGH) Community Nursing team to engage our seniors via virtual health talks and also ensure they are well taken care off through fortnightly 1-to-1 nurse consultations.
“I did not know there was such a thing as stress incontinence and the exercise taught to us will be helpful. I will recommend such talks to my friends in future.”
“I enjoyed the talk on First Aid at home. It contained valuable and useful practical tips on how to handle burns, what to put in first aid box, etc. Previously I did not run my hand under the water immediately when I got burnt during cooking and often suffered redness or blisters. I can avoid this from now on.”
On 11 December, 11 youths whom we got to know through this year’s Bursary Awards attended the Airforce 1 shoe customisation workshop. The venue, artist’s fees, and shoes were fully sponsored and provided by Footlocker @footlockersingaporeofficial. Our youths had a delightful time learning from customisation artist Sarah @laiensarah as she taught them how to plan for and draft designs for their shoes.
“I feel that it is very important to enrich the youths nowadays, it was definitely a fruitful experience to engage them and encourage them to be creative.
YOUR SETTING DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. It is you yourself who can make it through the future. Ask for help when you need it. Be brave, bold and do your best! ”
Volunteers at a Glance
Corporate Information
The organisation was registered under the Registry of Societies in Singapore on 21 June 1996 and registered as a Charity on 19 April 1997 as Bethesda Care and Counselling Services Centre (BCCSC). On 7 February 2018, our name change to Bethesda Care Services was effected. The organization is a full member of the National Council of Social Service and has an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) status.
The Management Committee sets the direction, decides on our policies, administrative procedures and provides leadership and counsel relating to the management of The Society. The following Committee Members were appointed at The Society’s 25th Annual General Meeting on 29 June 2021.
We welcome individuals and corporate partners in Singapore to join us in reaching out and touching lives in the Tampines-Bedok community. Support our works or join us as a volunteer. Impact lives and bring joy to our beneficiaries and their families.
To find out more about how your company can participate in our Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) projects for children, youths, the elderly or families in need, email us at [email protected]