
Positive Parenting

Jul 2019
Parents Stress Level Exceeding Image

Scenario: You rush home from work, making sure to pack something nice for dinner. Hopefully this would incentivise your son to be more cooperative and study after dinner. You reach home and spot him sprawled on the sofa, fixated on his phone, not even out of his school uniform. Anger wells up. You flare up and scream at him to get into the shower. That?s 30mins less study time for tonight, an unhappy parent, and an unhappy child. There?s no quick fix for the above scenario. But perhaps the following tips and......

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Apr 2018
How to Discipline Your Child in Public

It?s a pleasant Saturday brunch out with family. While mom is busy feeding toddler Joe his porridge, 5 year old Ben turns to you and starts asking for your iPhone, to which your reply is no, because the dining table is not the place for gadgets. He refuses to accept your answer and starts to wail. The dilemma ? give in to the child?s demand, let the child continue making a scene, or discipline him....

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