
Elderly Services

We provide a range of affordable solutions to meet the daily needs of the frail aged. Additionally, we have regular weekday programs to engage seniors in our community and encourage active ageing.

Medical Escort and Transport (MET)

Sends elderly members to and fro for their periodic medical check-up or follow-up at the hospitals and polyclinics.

Medical Escort and Transport (MET)

The MET service is available for frail and homebound seniors who require assistance in their daily living activities and are without a caregiver during the day. Each visit can take about 4 to 6 hours due to the waiting time involved. Hence we welcome volunteers to help accompany seniors to hospitals and polyclinics.

Areas We Serve

  • Bedok, Bedok Reservoir
  • Changi, Simei, Tampines
  • Pasir Ris

*Volunteer Opportunities Available

Meals-on-Wheels (MOW)

Two cooked meals are delivered twice a day to the doorstep of the elderly who need help preparing meals or purchasing them.

Meals-on-Wheels (MOW)

The MOW service is available for frail, needy and homebound seniors who require assistance in their daily living activities and are without a caregiver during the day.

During meal deliveries, our MOW team and volunteers take the opportunity to check on the seniors whenever possible. More than a delivery service, we do our best to keep an eye out for these seniors who live alone.

Areas We Serve

  • Bedok, Bedok Reservoir
  • Changi, Simei, Tampines
  • Pasir Ris

*Volunteer Opportunities Available

Active Ageing Program

Includes a spectrum of regular and ad hoc activities to promote a healthier lifestyle for the seniors in our community.

Active Ageing Program

Supported by a core group of volunteers, we engaged over 400 participants in the last financial year. Regular Interest Groups include Zumba Gold, Line Dance, Rummy-O Board Game, English Class and more. Ad hoc workshops and health talks are also conducted periodically on top of regular interest groups.


  • Recommended for seniors aged 55 and above
  • Able to move around independently

*Volunteer Opportunities Available