
Slay Queens | Youth Conversations about Body Image

Slay Queens | Youth Conversations about Body Image

“You’re beautiful just the way you are and every one of us is created in a unique way.”

In light of World Mental Health Day, BCS introduces SLAY QUEENS, a one-day beauty workshop conceptualised by our BCS youth team to spark conversations about healthy body image and self-esteem amongst youths, while equipping them with soft skills to manage fair expectations of themselves.

Body image has remained one of the greatest risks to the positive self-image of youths. With the constant bombardment of social media, perspectives on body image have been severely distorted by unattainable standards. With this in mind, our youth workers conceptualised ‘Slay Queens’.

“On top of outer beauty, there is inner beauty as well. Your personality will shine as you progress in life, so I just want to encourage you that you are beautiful inside out.”
– Agnes Ng, BCS Youth Worker

BCS hopes to encourage and remind our youths to be kind to themselves, and that they are unique in their own ways, because there’s only one you in this world!



About BCS

In 1996, Bethesda Care Services (BCS) started with a vision of reaching out and meeting the needs of the community in Bedok area. Today, we reach out and CARE for the children, youths, families and the elderly within our community by providing services and programs tailored to meet their needs.

Through our five main service departments, we CARE for individuals and families, prioritising the needs of the vulnerable in our community.

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